Out of The Dark

World Affairs in Foreign Films offers teachers and students of Middle School the opportunity to experience foreign cultures through the power of film. There are 12 chapters about 12 films from 12 countries, using a a multi-disciplinary format of analyzing each film from 9 perspectives: history, geography, government, economics, literature, critical thinking, media studies, art, and technology. At the end of each perspective are activities and assignments with answers for all the questions. Group activities focus on problem solving, critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, sharing and discussing ideas.This text teaches Global Education, General Culture, How to Think and Learn, and Diversity of cultures. Film is a fun way to learn for visual learners and film offers students the pleasure of traveling to learn.
Are you thinking of attending law school or switching legal careers? About to graduate and wondering which path to take? Are you curious about what lawyers in different fields do in a typical day? Then spend twenty-four hours with twenty-four lawyers through this innovative book, 24 Hours with 24 Lawyers. Whether you want to be a full-time corporate lawyer, work as a legal consultant while pursuing your music career, or anything in between, this book gives you a unique "all-access pass" into the real-world, real-time personal and professional lives of twenty-four law school graduates. These working professionals each present you with a "profile" chronicling a typical twenty-four-hour day in their traditional and non-traditional careers. You will read actual twenty-four-hour accounts from the perspective of a venture capitalist, Wall Street lawyer, lobbyist, entertainment lawyer, IP attorney, sports broadcaster, JAG officer, prosecutor, criminal defense lawyer, mediator, and politician, just to name a few. From the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to bed, each professional illustrates what their position entails on a day-to-day basis and will give you invaluable, informative, and honest insight above and beyond what many brochures, guest lectures, career workshops, or law firm website descriptions can provide. After reading 24 Hours with 24 Lawyers, you'll be better prepared to determine which career profile may suit you best before accepting a new job or investing in a legal education.
This well-written, legalese-free guide provides filmmakers with essential advice on almost every conceivable rights issues they might encounter – from the initial acquisition of material through the situations encountered in preproduction, production, postproduction, and final release. Armed with this book, filmmakers can protect themselves.
This Legal Guide to Independent Filmmaking is perfect for entertainment and intellectual property lawyers; art, design, trade, and law schools; and burgeoning artists with an idea, in need of a guide to get them to inception. It’s a practical, prescriptive form book for legal professionals and burgeoning filmmakers and includes a CDROM with all the contracts, employment and nondisclosure agreements, and licensing deals you’ll need.
If you’ve ever been uncertain before a negotiation, felt beaten up after, or thought you could have and should have negotiated better, Fearless Negotiating shows, step by step, how to erase your fears and preconceptions and tap into the master negotiator that lives within you. This short and compelling guide is an essential companion to achieving more rewarding, meaning, and mutually satisfying business and personal relationships and outcomes.
“Our life’s work is being happy and free – satisfied with yourself and comfortable in your surroundings, day to day – moment to moment,” says Michael Donaldson. “That is the promise of successful negotiation in your world and with yourself. That is the promise of Wish Want Walk.” Wish Want Walk will guide you to successful negotiations. This package includes both a DVD and an audio CD. Click here to view VIDEOMERCIAL
In this new and updated ultimate filmmaker’s guide , Louise Levison gives you easy- to-use steps for writing an investor-winning business plan for a feature film including:
Showrunners: How to Run a Hit TV Show
Showrunners is the first ever feature length documentary film to explore the fascinating world of US television showrunners and the creative forces aligned around them. These are the people responsible for creating, writing and overseeing every element of production on one of the United State’s biggest exports – television drama and comedy series. Often described as the most complex job in the entertainment business, a showrunner is the chief writer / producer on a TV series and, in most instances, the show’s creator. Battling daily between art and commerce, showrunners manage every aspect of a TV show’s development and production: creative, financial and logistical.
Showrunners: How to Run a Hit TV Show
If you’ve ever dreamed of being in charge of your own network, cable, or web series, then this is the book for you. The TV Showrunner’s Roadmap provides you with the tools for creating, writing, and managing your own hit show. Combining his 20+ years as a working screenwriter and UCLA professor, Neil Landau expertly guides you through 21 essential insights to the creation of a successful show, and takes you behind the scenes with exclusive and enlightening interviews with showrunners from some of TV’s most lauded series, including:
From conception to final rewrite, The TV Showrunner’s Roadmap is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to create a series that won’t run out of steam after the first few episodes. This groundbreaking guide features a companion website with additional interviews and bonus materials. http://www.focalpress.com/cw/landau